• Student-Built Appliances Made to Do More with Less

    Updated: 2012-08-30 17:40:00
    The Energy Savers Blog is Taking a Short Vacation Student-Built Appliances Made to Do More with Less August 30, 2012 13:40 Although today's home appliances are designed to be far more energy efficient than those made in the decades past , there's always room for improvement . Industry leaders are building energy-saving appliances because consumers demand high-performance products that do more with less energy . Fostering this trend toward innovation in energy efficiency , the Department of Energy DOE recently recognized the winners of a university-based student design competition to build more efficient appliances products that can be manufactured at a lower cost and outperform comparable best-in-their-class products already on the . market The Department's first Max Tech and Beyond

  • Settlement for Sinclair Oil’s 2008 Violations

    Updated: 2012-08-30 01:51:57
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Justice announced a settlement with two subsidiaries of Sinclair Oil Corporation to resolve alleged violations of air pollution limits established in a 2008 consent decree at refineries in Casper and Sinclair, Wyo. Sinclair Casper Refining Co. and Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. will pay stipulated [...]

  • EPA proposes new Rule for Gas Turbine NSPS

    Updated: 2012-08-30 01:47:52
    Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines; Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines SUMMARY: The EPA is proposing to amend the new source performance standards (NSPS) for stationary gas turbines and stationary combustion turbines. These amendments are primarily in response to issues raised by the regulated community. On July 6, 2006, the EPA promulgated amendments to [...]

  • In Germany and Elsewhere, Energy Storage is Key to Unlocking Renewable Energy

    Updated: 2012-08-27 14:51:22
    For Michael Specht, the solution to Germany's future energy needs lies in a rectangular framework of steel pipes and valves the size of a VW campervan parked on the outskirts of Stuttgart.

  • Are You Prepared for a Blackout?

    Updated: 2012-08-24 18:23:00
    Sinking a Pet's Teeth into Energy Saving Are You Prepared for a Blackout August 24, 2012 14:23 Earlier this week , Lynn talked about how you could prepare for a blackout It's always good to be prepared for an emergency no matter what kind and being prepared for a power outage is no different . So , this week , we're : wondering Are you prepared for a blackout What have you done to prepare You have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond to other . comments Categories : Electricity Question of the Week Permalink Actions : E-mail Twit This Kick it Digg This Save to del.icio.us Share on Facebook Comments 1 Comment RSS Comments And although a blackout does not

  • Japan Citizens Favor Zero Nuclear in Debate Over Energy Option

    Updated: 2012-08-23 18:21:00
    Japan's public wants the government to phase out nuclear power according to the results of town hall-like forums to give the public a say in the debate on the nation's energy supply post-Fukushima.

  • Romney Energy Plan Calls for East Coast Drilling to Cut Imports

    Updated: 2012-08-23 01:07:05
    Mitt Romney would give states control over energy production on federal lands within their borders and allow drilling off the East Coast as part of his plan to reduce crude oil imports.

  • Military Renewables: Why More Than Money is at Stake

    Updated: 2012-08-20 11:41:00
    In 2011, the U.S. Army spent five billion dollars on renewable energies. But why does the Army care so much about renewable energy? The answer is simple: lives and public funds are at stake.

  • What Motivates You to Save Energy?

    Updated: 2012-08-17 22:17:00
    How to Prepare Your Home for a Blackout What Motivates You to Save Energy August 17, 2012 18:17 Earlier this week , Amanda wrote about how the Olympics could remind us to revisit our energy-saving goals But you can find inspiration to save energy anywhere And that's our question this . week What motivates you to save energy You have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond to other . comments Categories : Electricity Question of the Week Permalink Actions : E-mail Twit This Kick it Digg This Save to del.icio.us Share on Facebook Comments 5 Comment RSS Comments I care about the world and how we use our . resources Denise Beamesderfer August 18. 2012 10:41 The

  • Obama Fast-tracks Seven Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects

    Updated: 2012-08-17 16:48:11
    In early August, President Barack Obama announced seven solar and wind energy projects that will be expedited, including projects in Arizona, California, Nevada and Wyoming.

  • NSPS and NESHAP Review in the Oil and Natural Gas Sector

    Updated: 2012-08-16 19:20:55
    This action finalizes the review of new source performance standards for the listed oil and natural gas source category. In this action the EPA revised the new source performance standards for volatile organic compounds from leaking components at onshore natural gas processing plants and new source performance standards for sulfur dioxide emissions from natural gas [...]

  • Could Minneapolis Get Cleaner Energy With a Utility Takeover?

    Updated: 2012-08-14 14:12:00
    As we spoke to legislators and activists roaming the halls of the State Capitol this past legislative session, it became increasingly clear that Xcel Energy and other utilities are calling the shots for our energy future. They decide which bills will be heard and, ultimately, which will be passed into law. Not coincidentally, a champion of clean, l

  • Energy Efficiency and the Rebound Effect: Neither Big Nor Bad

    Updated: 2012-08-13 21:47:51
    Now that you’ve installed efficient light bulbs in your house, do you think: “Guess I’ll leave my lights on all night. What the heck – it won’t cost me any extra.” Probably not.  But some extreme critics of energy efficiency would have us believe this is the end result of appliance standards and energy savings technology – that we simply consume mo

  • Recent Blackouts in India Underscore Need for Clean Technology

    Updated: 2012-08-13 19:01:23
    The recent failures of India’s power grid have not only forced more than 600 million people to survive without electricity – they’ve demonstrated the need for massive public and private investment by India in clean technology and infrastructure. While international audiences may be hearing about India’s problems with its electricity grid for the fi

  • Two Years Later: Revisiting the Taxonomy of Cleantech

    Updated: 2012-08-10 19:43:10
    It's been two years since Kachan & Co. first published its definition of what industries and categories constitute cleantech. A lot happens in two years, so it's time to refresh our taxonomy. A clean technology taxonomy, a list of nested categories, is important. It shows where a clean technology “fits.” It helps vendors understand their competitiv

  • Sustainable Industry Predictions for the Second Half of 2012

    Updated: 2012-08-10 12:02:00
    Sign-In or Create a Free Account Sign-in with : World's 1 Renewable Energy Network for News Information News Blogs Video Finance Companies Products Jobs Calendar Magazines Events Awards Last Day to Nominate Submit Your Nomination for the 2012 Project of the Year Awards click here for more information Renewable Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Geothermal Energy Bioenergy Hydropower Sustainable Industry Predictions for the Second Half of 2012 By Michael Butler , Cascadia Capital 2012-08-10 07:02:00.0 2 Comments Do you like this opinion commentary Bookmark Print Feed The outlook for sustainable industries looked challenging during the first half of 2012, as cleantech average deal sizes along with equity financings , and project financings were down compared to the last quarter of 2011. The

  • Los Angeles California's Incentive Programs for Large and Small Solar Systems

    Updated: 2012-08-08 14:00:00
    For those of you who may not know, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has developed a Solar Incentive Program (SIP) to support solar energy in Los Angeles. This Solar Incentive Program can help you with the cost of installing a new solar system.  The Solar Feed-in Tariff Program, which allows owners of large-scale on-grid solar systems t

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